Saturday, September 15, 2007

Introducing Twinings Pure Rooibos

Today we released a new Herbal Infusion to the market, Twinings Pure Rooibos. Rooibos is sometimes called Africa’s answer to green tea, because of its health benefits. Rooibos - pronounced ‘roy boss’ and translated to red bush - is delicious with or without milk but has extraordinary feel-good qualities.

I love a cup of Rooibos in the evening with just a little honey. Its smooth refreshing taste has a naturally sweet edge, which is very soothing – one sip and you can see why it is becoming so popular worldwide.

Look out for it in supermarkets, brew it for at least three minutes (because great tea takes three!) and try a cuppa!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Welcome from the Tea Guy

Welcome to my diaries and stories of life in the World of Tea. I am the Master Tea Blender at the Bell Tea Company in New Zealand - somehow I ended up with the nickname Tea Guy and before I knew it the personalised plate for my car even turned up. Anyway I want to share with you some insights into the World of Tea and the kind of things I do as a Master Tea Blender. It is currently buying season in China – the home of tea. From what I hear, this season has produced a great crop due to ideal weather and soil conditions. This is a very exciting time for the tea industry, and I personally can’t wait to hear the review of the harvesting.

Here's to Tea