Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rwanda Tea Estate

As you may have guessed, I tend to taste a lot of teas! So when I find one that really impresses me – it is quite exciting. This month I was lucky enough to come across tea from a tea estate in Rwanda that I haven’t tasted for a long time.

The tea estate is based in the area of Pfunda and reminded me of some of the very finest teas from this region from 15 years ago, before the country was torn apart by civil war. It grows some of the brightest, liveliest teas in the world. Outstanding!

Image is of Pfunda. Those mountains are in fact volcanoes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Birthday!

Well it had to happen - last week I turned 40! Although a few may have assumed I’d celebrate at home, with a cup of tea, I instead decided to have a party... And tea was not the most popular beverage choice on the evening.

A wonderful time was had by all. It was very special to me that Vish Govindasamy made the trip from Sri Lanka. Vish is the head of Watawala Plantations from where we source all our Bell Pure Ceylon Tea and he is a dear friend. Chris Wright, the director and producer of the “Taste of Tea” programme that was part-shot in Sri Lanka, also came with his lovely wife Heidi, so it felt like a Ceylon Tea reunion!

The image below is of of Vish and me in Sri Lanka.