Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hong Kong Visit

13th August

I'm on a whirlwind tour of Hong Kong having been invited to the very first Hong Kong International Tea Fair as a guest of the Hong Kong Trade and Development Corporation.

This is running concurrently with The Food Fair and two other exhibitions at the amazing Hong Kong Convention + Exhibition centre. (see picture) There is a lot going on.

The crew from Australia (8 people) and New Zealand (me) are great and I would say we are the liveliest delegation here.

As you can see we found our way to the Fine Wines of Italy stand, with the charismatic Eduardo, 2nd from left, who also owns an organic tea company based in Piedmont, Italy.

Now for me to be tasting 100s of Asia's best teas over a two day period is my kind of heaven, there were 250 exhibitors from 10 countries. I have really enjoyed sampling over 10 top white teas from Fujian province.

I might not be a great personal fan of Pu-erh tea but some of the oldest and most valuable vintage Pu-erhs are about to go on sale. There is 10g of a 109 year-old Pu-erh tea up for US$1000, and a 300g slab of a 1950s Pu-erh going for US15,000, now I wonder if the team back home at Bell might like some.....

It is good to see so many Producers here from other parts of the world including our partners in Sri Lanka, Watawala Plantations, and my old friend Vinodh (see picture) from Vintage Teas in Sri Lanka, looks like we are going grey together my friend. Also caught up with Mike Wright from Twinings in the UK, who now owes me dinner on my next visit!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Auckland Food Show

If you were wondering why the streets of Auckland seemed eerily quiet this weekend, I can tell you it is because most of the city congregated at the Food Show to sample the goods and (literally) rub shoulders with their fellow city-people.

I was at the Show to talk to punters about the two latest Bell blends on the market, India Origin and Zesty Green Tea Berry, and Twinings ever-popular blend (and the original) Earl Grey. With new products it is always great to have a sampling opportunity, and some face time with the public. For this there is no better place than the Auckland Food Show.

This year it was hard not to notice the rise in numbers and the influence of ethnic stands. This is a great reflection on not only the ever diversifying cultural makeup of Auckland, but also the growing influence of and demand for world foods on New Zealanders plates.

India Origin fit beautifully into this environment. We were lucky enough that Peta Mathias agreed to promote India Origin during her cooking demonstrations which focused on combining flavours and ingredients from Rajasthan in India (great show, Peta). Whilst watching Peta, I was reminded again of how blending tea really is like cooking – creating combinations of different teas can often result in something that is greater than the sum of its parts… despite what some of the other brands in the NZ market say!

We were able to draw in many a punter with the tempting aroma drifting from the freshly brewed Zesty Berry. It was great to meet people who are already Zesty Green Tea converts, and the reaction to the new flavour (and the pink colour) was overwhelmingly positive. Again, it was great to get people to sample our green tea as it is so unique and easy to drink in comparison with the majority of the market.

From the company perspective it was great to be across the aisle from Gravity coffee, one of the brands in the Bell Tea & Coffee stable. This year we were conveniently dressed in what we call “Gravity purple” t-shirts, so we dominated our corner of the hall.

Finally, during the show we promoted a competition to win an India Origin hamper filled with goodies. If you want to enter, please do. You just need to click on the elephant on the Bell Tea homepage. Or click on this link